
Everything you need for a home insurance quote in Ontario

Whether your renewal is right around the corner or you just want to shop around for a better deal, there’s some information needed for a home insurance quote that most people don’t have lying around.

Our app takes most of the hassle out of it, but we wanted to provide you with this list to take wherever you’re shopping.

Your insurance shopping habits might need to change

Because everything can be completed online with aha insurance using secure, state-of-the-art technology, you probably don’t need to carry around all of this information.

In fact, the only information you’ll need to know for a home insurance quote with aha insurance is your address.

However, if you’re shopping for homeowner’s insurance using the traditional way, then this check list will become quite handy.

1) Address

Ok, we know this one may sound like a bit of a no-brainer, but your exact address is a crucial piece of information needed for a home insurance quote.

Every house can differ by so many factors, such as:

  1. Building materials
  2. Claims history
  3. Renovation history
  4. Location
  5. Distance to a fire department or fire hydrant
  6. Trees surrounding the building
  7. Additional buildings on the property
  8. Pool safety

That’s why every house needs to be assessed on its own. That’s also why generic online home quotes using your postal code are just bait-and-switch tactics. Stay away from those!

2) Insurance information

If you have a current insurance policy, it’s important to know the details of your current policy such as the renewal dates. It also comes in handy to know your current types and levels of coverage.

All of that information gives you a frame of reference for how much your policy costs (or could cost) relative to what you get.

For example, one policy might be cheaper than another because it doesn’t include temporary living accommodations. Kind of important to know!

So always double-check.

3) Claims history

Be prepared to share details of your home insurance claims history. You’ll want to ensure you have specifics about how the claims were settled as well.

This includes information such as:

  1. Amounts that were paid out
  2. Reason(s) for the claims
  3. Frequency of past claims
  4. Where those claims occurred

4) Home occupants

Who will be living with you? Include:

  1. Roommates or housemates
  2. Partners
  3. Children
  4. Other family members
  5. Pets

Other important information needed for a home insurance quote includes renting out or subletting parts of your home. It can change the levels of risk associated with your house significantly.

5) Property details

Know your home. You should know what the approximate living space in your home is. You should also make note of the construction of your home, including:

  1. The year it was built
  2. Materials used in construction
  3. Renovation history
  4. Roofing details
  5. Plumbing, heating, and electrical details

You should also note how close your home is to the nearest fire hydrant and fire station, either in metres or kilometres.

6) Personal belongings

How much stuff do you have? If you’ve ever gone through the exercise of creating a home inventory, this is when it would be a great help.

Your home quote will automatically calculate an amount for your contents, but items of special value can be given their own coverage as well.

Frequently asked questions

That checklist doesn’t cover everything, so we included some other common questions here in case they apply to you.

I need home insurance now. What’s the fastest way to get it?

Right here, through our 3-minute online quote process.

That was easy, wasn’t it?

How much home insurance do I need?

This is subjective and really depends on your living situation, but there are some general guidelines to follow.

  1. Renters should still get contents insurance.
  2. Find out if your home is on a flood plain. If so, you should probably get overland flood insurance.
  3. Getting coverage for temporary living accommodation is a lifesaver when you really need it.

Have an in-depth conversation about it with your broker to see additional coverage options. Some will pertain to your home and some won’t be as relevant.

Do you need home insurance when renting?

As a renter (tenant), you don’t need to insure the property or the building itself. That’s the landlord’s responsibility.

But it is your responsibility to insure your belongings. This is known as contents insurance. Some landlords may insist that you have a contents insurance policy set to take effect before agreeing to rent the space to you.

It’s generally a good idea, and it’s not expensive.

Do I need homeowner’s insurance if I own my own home?

We think it’s a good idea. Homes are expensive to rebuild!

Unlike car insurance, it’s not legally required to insure your home in Ontario. But it’s not very expensive and you get a lot of coverage, including:

  1. Liability coverage in case someone gets hurt on your property
  2. Contents insurance in case anything is stolen or damaged
  3. Optional coverage in case of an overland flood or other natural disaster
  4. Your home will be rebuilt if it’s damaged in a fire or severe storm

Risk levels aren’t very high for homes compared to cars, but paying out of pocket to repair or rebuild a home can be financially devastating. We recommend staying on the safe side.

Do I need home insurance before closing?

Technically, you don’t need a home insurance policy before closing the sale and moving in—if you’re paying off the house in cash.

But most people need to finance their homes because they cost a lot of money these days.

Your lender might reserve the right to delay finalizing the home sale and transfer of ownership to you until you have a home policy in place. It protects the lender’s investment.

The good news is that home owner’s insurance isn’t expensive, so you should probably have a policy in place anyway.

What insurance do I need to work from home?

Great question! We have an entire guide on running a side business from home right here.

The cliff notes version is that running a small business with limited revenue and keeping everything inside of Canada means that you can probably get an add-on for your home policy.

If you run a larger business from home or just need to insure a separate business that you help run from a home office, then you’ll need a dedicated business insurance policy.

Keep this list in mind you’ll be that much more prepared! Or you could just get a 3-minute home quote with us.

Seriously, what else can you do in 3 minutes?

Boil half an egg?

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