
How does moving insurance work?

So you’ve just purchased your new home, and moving day is quickly approaching. But do know how moving insurance works? Most people don’t! It’s natural to feel overwhelmed about everything that’s going on, but when it comes to your home insurance policy here are a few things you should know.


Location matters, even for the move

Just like it was a consideration when you decided to purchase that home, it’s a major factor when it comes to your insurance and how you handle the transition from one property to the next. If you’re travelling out-of-province, then you should speak with your broker or insurance company to make sure they can still provide coverage in your new province.

If not, then you’ll need to give yourself time to set up a new policy.

There’s a general rule that no two insurance policies are the same. So even if you’re making a move within the same city, it’s still a good idea to provide your broker or insurance company with all of the details for the new property to ensure you still have coverage between point A and B.

It’s very common to insurance providers to maintain contents insurance coverage during a move, but it’s not legally mandated. Always double-check with your provider before moving day, though.



Make sure there are no gaps in coverage

It’s important to make sure there are no periods of time between your moving dates that you’re not carrying any insurance.

While not emergencies, plenty of things can happen to change dates:

  1. Closing dates can change with scheduling conflicts.
  2. Keys can be dropped off early or late.
  3. Moving companies can overbook.
  4. Extreme weather can cause delays.

Be ready to contact your insurance company and notify them of a change in dates of both properties. This will ensure your contents are covered appropriately.

It also gives you personal liability insurance in case anyone comes to harm on your property, regardless of the cause. We’re all pretty sure that friends don’t sue each other, but professional movers might have no other recourse if they’re injured on the job and need to cover for the subsequent lost income.

Pro tip: If your new house is being built brand-new, then consider getting construction insurance to cover it while it’s being built. You can’t always rely on contractors to cover the costs of damage.


Your stuff will be covered in transit

Your items are still covered under your home insurance policy when in transit whether they are in your personal vehicle, a rental truck, or a commercial moving truck. If you have listed or scheduled property (items of particular value), then you may need to take extra precautions to protect them from physical harm for the coverage. Check with your insurer (or us)!

In the case where you’re doing a gradual move and will be occupying two properties for an extended period of time, be sure to let your broker or insurance company know. A standard homeowner’s policy will provide you with coverage as you transition, but in the event of a longer time frame, you may need to have both policies in force until the move is complete. Beware of the 30-day home vacancy rule, though!

Speak to your broker for the best advice for your situation.


Still wondering how moving insurance works for your personal situation? Get the best possible quote in 3 minutes or call us directly!

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