
Driving Test Fees In Ontario

Getting your driver’s licence is exciting for many people. Passing and paying your driving test fees in Ontario allows you to take roundtrips with friends, explore the province’s many parks, and make a quick trip to Ikea without having to take your new RÅMEBO home on the bus.

But before you get behind the wheel and take to the open road, you’ll need a valid driver’s licence. In this article, we’ll look at the steps involved in obtaining your driver’s licence and the driving test fees in Ontario.

Frequently Asked Questions about Driving Test Fees In Ontario and Alberta 

In Canada, how much does it cost to obtain a driver’s license?

In Ontario and Alberta, obtaining a licence to drive a car, van, or small truck is similar in both provinces. Both have adopted a graduated licensing system that eases new drivers onto the road, ensuring that the driver has sufficient knowledge and experience before graduating to the next level. 


G1 Licence – In Ontario, new drivers begin with a G1 licence. This licence is granted to anyone who:

G1 licence and driving test fees in Ontario are $159.79.

A G1 licence is very limited and requires a fully licensed adult to sit in the passenger seat next to the new driver. G1 drivers can’t drive on major highways or any road after midnight and are forbidden from having any alcohol in their bloodstream. After 12 months of practicing with their G1, drivers can take their G2 road test. To pass, drivers must demonstrate they have mastered basic skills such as proper turns, lane changes, and other common driving maneuvers. The G2 driving test fees in Ontario are $53.75.

G2 Licence – When drivers obtain a G2 licence, they no longer need to have a licensed driver sitting next to them in the vehicle. They can now practice driving on major highways. For the first six months, they’re only allowed one passenger 19 years old or less. After six months, they can have up to three passengers under the age of 19. Note that the limit on passengers doesn’t apply to siblings or if there is someone with four years of driving experience in the vehicle. 

G Licence – To graduate from a G2 to a full G class licence, drivers need to take a second road test. The G test can take place after 12 months of practice with a G2 if drivers have taken an accredited driver training course. If a G2 driver does not pass a provincially-approved driver’s ed course, they can take their G test after 24 months.

The G licence test will include more advanced driving skills than the previous road test, such as highway driving and parallel parking. Once they pass this final test, they will graduate with a full, unrestricted G licence. The G2 licence and driving test fees in Ontario are $91.25.


Class 7 licence – In Alberta, the beginner licence is called a Class 7. It also requires that an adult who is fully licensed sit next to the driver, but would-be drivers can apply for the Class 7 licence when they turn 14, with parental consent. To obtain this class of licence, new drivers will need to study the Alberta Driver’s Guide and take an exam on the rules of the road. The Alberta class 7 licence and driving test fees are $110.00. 

Class 5 GDL Licence – The next step in the licensing process in Alberta is a Class 5 graduated driver’s licence (GDL). This licence is available to any Class 7 licensed driver who has been driving for at least one year and is at least 16 years of age. To graduate to this licence class, drivers must take a road test to prove proficiency in essential road rules and an eye test. The fees to graduate to a Class 5 GDL are $89.00.

There is no limit to the number of passengers a GDL licensed driver can have in the vehicle or the roads on which they can drive. However, drinking any quantity of alcohol remains prohibited.

Class 5 licence – The final step of the driving holy grail in Alberta is to graduate to a full Class 5 licence. To gain a full licence, they will need two years of Class 7 GDL driving experience under their belt and take a more extensive road test to prove their proficiency. Once they pass, they will have a full licence and can drive most cars and light trucks on Alberta’s roads. The Class 5 licence and road test cost $138.00.

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Should I take a driving course?

Driver’s education courses are an excellent way for new drivers to learn the rules of the road and practice behind-the-wheel training. 

Classroom training covers the right of way for pedestrians and bikes, who moves first at a four-way stop and how speed affects braking distance. Practical training puts the student driver on the road, coached by a trained instructor (who probably also has an emergency brake pedal) as they navigate city and highway driving.

Driving education courses can make new drivers feel more confident on our roads and highways. Driving education also ensures that they are fully aware of the rules of the road and the advanced driving techniques that can keep them safe when something unexpected happens.

Driving Test Fees In Ontario: How much does a driving course cost in Ontario?

Driver education courses in Ontario and Alberta come in different durations and designs. To be licensed by the government, driver’s training schools need to provide the following:

  • At least 20 hours of classroom training
  • 10 hours of in-vehicle practical training with a driving instructor
  • Another 10 hours of “flexible training, which can include simulators, additional in-vehicle training or computer learning such as online courses

The average cost for a driver’s education course that offers the above curriculum ranges from about $600 to $2,000. The range of prices is often related to the amount of in-vehicle training the program provides, with more hours of practical training costing more.

The good news is that the cost of these programs is often offset by a discount of up to 10% off the new driver’s insurance premiums if they graduate from a provincially recognized driving training school.

Driving Test Fees In Ontario: What’s the cost of a G1 licence (and G2, and G) in Ontario?

At each step to becoming a fully licensed driver, various driving test fees in Ontario are required. New drivers can expect to make the following payments at an Ontario DriveTest centre:

Official Driver’s handbook $16
Class G1 licence package (written test, eye test and a five-year licence) $159.79
G2 road test $53.75
G Road test $91.25
Licensing fee $90.00
Total licensing costs in Ontario $410.79


Driving Test Fees In Alberta: What’s the cost of a Class 7, Class 5 GDL and Class 5 licence in Alberta?

In Alberta, new drivers can expect to pay the following licence and driving test fees:

Class 7 licence (5 years) & knowledge test $110.00
Class 5 GDL road test $89.00
Class 5 road test $138.00
Total licensing costs in Alberta $337.00


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Calculating additional driving test fees in Ontario: How much does it cost to retake the G2 test?

Successfully passing your G2 road test to graduate to a full G licence requires dedication and practice by new drivers. The G2 road test is significantly more complex than the G1 test in Ontario, and examiners’ expectations are higher. So it’s not surprising that 30% to 40% of new drivers fail their G2 license practical exam.

The good news is that you can retake it for another $53.75, providing that your G1 licence remains in force. It’s essential to take the test before your G1 license expiry date. If your G1 expires, you must restart the graduating licensing process. 

Budgeting for car insurance and driving test fees in Ontario and Alberta is vital, but the effort to become a safe, fully-licensed driver is worth it. The day you get your driver’s licence is one you’ll probably remember with pride for the rest of your life. While the road to gaining your driving independence may seem long, it comes with many rewards and a new sense of freedom.

When driving in Ontario and Alberta, auto Insurance is another expense you need to consider. Read our useful first car insurance tips and get your 3-minute quote to access the car insurance savings you deserve.


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